

Auto-Discovery allows you to onboard customers in Liongard faster. When some of our Inspectors run, Liongard can see the potential for another Inspector. Then, Liongard will (in most cases) completely set up that potential Inspector, and Liongard will leave it in a discovered state for you to activate.

There are two kinds of Auto-Discovery in Liongard:

What can Auto-Discovery do for your Team?

Auto-Discovery can help your team:


Auto Discovery is when, after Inspector runs, Liongard can see the potential for other Inspectors.

For Example:

This...Auto-Discovers...Which Auto-Discovers this...
ConnectWise Manage InspectorInternet Domains/DNS InspectorTLS/SSL Certificate Inspector

Here are all of the examples of Auto-Discovery in Liongard:

  • = the Auto-Discovered Inspector is almost completely set up, but it will require pre-work steps in order to successfully complete an inspection.

Note: In Liongard, you can see which Inspectors have Auto-Discovery capabilities by navigating to Admin > Inspectors > Discovers column.

If the Discovers Column contains a different Inspector than the Inspector in the Inspector column, then that Inspector has Auto-Discovery capabilities. In the example below, you can see that Internet Domain/DNS Inspector, as well as others, have Auto-Discovery capabilities.

Parent/Child Type Inspectors

Parent/Child Type Inspectors is a kind of Auto-Discovery that applies to multi-tenant systems. To set these Inspectors up, you will need to create one "Parent" Inspector. After this Inspector runs, it will Auto-Discover all of the tenants within the multi-tenant system as "Child" Inspectors.

Many Parent Inspectors only exist to discover their Child Inspectors. In these cases, the Parent Inspector will have a limited set of Data Views. The Child Inspectors will show the full set of Data Views with all the applicable inspection information.

For Example:

Datto BCDR Parent InspectorDatto BCDR Child Inspectors

Here are all of the examples of Parent/Child Type Inspectors in Liongard:

InspectorTime to Set up
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud5 minutes
Auvik10 minutes
Azure Active Directory15 minutes
Bitdefender GravityZone10 Minutes
Cisco Meraki10 minutes
Cisco Umbrella5 minutes
Cloudflare5 minutes
ConnectWise Automate5 minutes
Continuum RMM5 minutes
Datto BCDR5 minutes
Datto Networking5 minutes
Datto RMM10 minutes
Domotz5 minutes
Duo Security5 minutes
ESET Licensing10 minutes
Google Drive10 minutes
Google Workspace10 minutes
JumpCloud5 minutes
Kaseya VSA5 minutes
KnowBe45 minutes
Microsoft 36515 minutes
Microsoft OneDrive10 minutes
Microsoft SharePoint10 minutes
Microsoft Teams10 minutes
N-able Backup5 minutes
N-able N-central10 minutes
N-able RMM10 minutes
NinjaRMM5 minutes
SentinelOne5 minutes
Sophos Central10 minutes
Syncro15 minutes
Ubiquiti UniFi10 minutes
Vade5 minutes
Veeam Availability Console5 minutes
Veeam Service Provider Console v45 minutes
Webroot Secure Anywhere GSM10 minutes

Note: In Liongard, you can see which Inspectors are Parent/Child Type by navigating to Admin > Inspectors > Discovers column.

If the Discovers column contains an Inspector that is the same as the Inspector in the Inspector Column, then the Inspector is a Parent/Child Type Inspector.

Windows Server Auto-Discovery

When you deploy an Agent to a Windows Server Operating System a Windows Server Inspector will appear in your list of Total Discovered Systems on the Liongard homepage. Once that Windows Server Inspector is activated, it will auto-discover Hyper-V Servers, SQL Servers, and a Network Discovery Inspector.

Keep in mind that Windows Servers are Endpoint Inspectors. Endpoint Inspectors are billed per unit according to your agreement with Liongard. Usage beyond the contracted amount will be charged on your monthly invoices.

Viewing Discovered Systems

To view all of Discovered Systems, users can click into the Total Discovered Systems button, or users can navigate to Admin > Discoveries

Here users can activate or archive Discovered Systems as well as view information on the Discovered System, including which System Inspector it was discovered by.

Onboard Customers in Mass

You may onboard customers in Liongard in mass in two situations:

  • Initially onboarding your customers in Liongard
  • Onboarding acquired customers to Liongard

In both of these situations, Auto-Discovery can be leveraged to make these mass onboarding processes more efficient.

Learn more about how to Onboard a Customer Faster.

Activate vs. Archive an Auto-Discovered System Inspector

Once a System Inspector is auto-discovered, you have the ability to "Activate or Archive" the Inspector.

  • Activate: Once a System Inspector is activated, it will be triggered to run within the minute.
  • Archive: You have the option to archive any auto-discovered System Inspectors you do not wish to have Liongard inspect.

When an Inspector is archived, you can find it in the Admin > Inspectors > System Type > Archived Inspectors tab. If you wish to activate a System Inspector that has been archived, you must unarchive the System. Then, it will populate in the Discovered Systems tab. From there, you can activate the Inspector, and it will be triggered to run within the minute.

Onboard a New Customer Start to Finish

Auto-Discovery can be leveraged to make Onboarding a new customer start to finish more efficient.

Follow our Onboarding a Customer Fast: Step by Step Guide documentation to learn more.