Moving Inspectors between Agents


There are times when it may be necessary to move deployed Inspectors from one Agent to another, such as retiring a server that is running an On-Premises Agent, or deploying a Self-Hosted Agent to support serverless Environments.


Caution: Do NOT Delete Inspectors.

Deleting an Inspector deletes all of its historical data in Liongard.

Step 1: Install a new Agent

  1. Install the new Agent using our documentation. For more information, review our Agents Overview documentation.

Step 2: Reassign Inspectors

  1. In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Agents > Select appropriate Agent-type tab
  2. Click on the name of the Agent you are moving Inspectors from.
  3. Scroll to the table titled "Inspectors using this Agent."

  1. Single or bulk select the checkbox(es) next to the desired Active Inspectors.
  2. Once selected, click Actions > Assign to New Agent
  3. In the right menu, select the new Agent previously deployed in Step 1. Then, select Save.
  4. Navigate back to the table titled "Inspectors using this Agent" to repeat the above steps for Discovered Systems and Archived Systems.

Step 3: Delete the Agent (if necessary)

  1. In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Agents
  2. Select the three dots in the Actions column. Then, select Delete.

Step 4: Force run moved Inspectors (Optional)

  1. In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Agents > Select appropriate Agent-type tab
  2. Click on the name of the Agent you moved the inspectors onto
  3. Scroll to the table titled "Inspectors using this Agent."
  4. Bulk select all inspectors using the checkbox at the top of the table
  5. Click Actions > Run Inspectors
  6. Verify that the inspections complete successfully using the new Agent