Mass Deployment for Windows
In this article
Agent Deployment
Agent Version 4.0.0 and Newer
In May of 2022, Liongard simplified the Windows .msi file to ensure that the Windows Agent could be deployed with minimal effort. The parameters below are applicable to Agent version 4.0.0 or newer.
As detailed below, many parameters are optional. Deploying Agents in mass, across multiple customers, should be easier than ever using the same simplified one-line command.
Liongard's MSI can be invoked for a silent install from the command line or for scripting via the RMM. If you would like to deploy Liongard's .msi file with your deployment tool, please refer to the vendor's Knowledge Base library for the appropriate steps.
Deploying via PowerShell
If you are deploying agents via PowerShell and your variables include spaces, commas, or dollar signs ($), you will need to include escape characters.
Spaces Example: LIONGARDENVIRONMENT=`"Exact Environment Name Inc.`"
Comma Example: LIONGARDENVIRONMENT="`" Exact Environment Name, Inc.`""
Command Line Arguments
msiexec /i LiongardAgent-lts.msi LIONGARDACCESSKEY="yourkey" LIONGARDACCESSSECRET="yoursecret" /qn
Required Parameters
- LIONGARDURL: Enter the core of your Liongard URL. Do NOT include "https://". Must also be in lowercase letters.
- LIONGARDACCESSKEY: Enter the Access Key ID from your Agent Install Token
- LIONGARDACCESSSECRET: Enter the Access Key Secret from your Agent Install Token
Optional Parameters
- LIONGARDDESCRIPTION: Used to give the Agent a description inside of Liongard.
- LIONGARDAGENTNAME: Liongard will populate this field using the hostname of the device the Agent is being installed on. If the Agent name already exists, Liongard will auto-concatenate a numerical value (in parenthesis) to the new Agent name
- LIONGARDENVIRONMENT: This field is optional, but if skipped the Environment must be assigned in Liongard on the Admin > Agents screen. For more information review our Agent Management documentation.
Download the Agent (PowerShell)
Access Denied when Dowloading via PowerShell
If you receive an access denied message, you may need to run the following command before invoking the web request to ensure PowerShell uses TLS 1.2.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ./LiongardAgent-lts.msi
Troubleshooting Agent Issues
If you are having issues with your Agent, please review our Troubleshooting Agent Issues Documentation.
Updated 8 months ago