Integrate ConnectWise with Liongard
Learn how to integrate the Liongard platform with ConnectWise Manage.
Our platform integration to ConnectWise Manage allows our MSP partners to:
- Import Companies from ConnectWise to Liongard Environments
- Map existing Liongard Environments to ConnectWise Companies
- Push Liongard Inspector data into ConnectWise Configurations
- Create new Service Tickets in ConnectWise Manage based on Liongard Actionable Alerts
Step 1: Enter API Credentials & Details
API User Creation
Refer back to Create a Liongard API Account in ConnectWise
if you have not already set up an API user for Liongard in your ConnectWise Manage instance.
In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Integrations > ConnectWise tab.
- In the Connection tab, enter the following information into the empty fields:
- ConnectWise Manage Site: The core of your URL to your ConnectWise Manage instance. Do NOT include the protocol (https://) or remainder of the path.
- Company ID: Company ID Associated with the API Account User
- Public Key: Comes from the API Keys panel in the prior step
- Private Key: Comes from the API Keys panel in the prior step
Hit Enter once you have entered these values, and click "Test Connection"
Upon providing the Keys, Liongard will attempt to authenticate to ConnectWise Manage. If the Keys are incorrect, you will be notified of an unsuccessful authentication.
If the Keys are correct, you other tabs should become clickable.
Step 2: Select Filter Options
Next, navigate to the Select Filters tab. Here, you'll select the Statuses (required), Types (required), Territories (optional) from ConnectWise for the companies you want to bring into Liongard.
This is especially valuable in ConnectWise instances that have many Companies, but only a small subset of those are active managed services customers.
Statuses, Types, and Territories
Liongard pulls your Statuses, Types, and Territories field information from what you have created in ConnectWise. You should select ALL Statuses, Types, and Territories that apply to the Environments you would like to see in Liongard.
If a company is not showing up in Liongard, then revisit what these fields are labelled in ConnectWise for the company.
- Select the customer Statuses, Types, and Territories to present as options for import or mapping into Liongard
- Click SAVE
Auto-Discovery: Internet Domain/DNS
After saving your Import Options, Liongard will Auto-Activate a ConnectWise Inspector, that can Auto-Discover Internet Domain/DNS Inspectors. In order for Liongard to Auto-Activate a ConnectWise Inspector, you MUST select at least one "Status" or "Type" in the Import Options Tab. If you do not select any "Status" or "Type," then this Inspector will not be Auto-Activated.
Step 3: Import Companies
Navigate to the Import Companies tab.

Here, you'll see a table of ConnectWise Companies based on your options decided in the previous tab.
To import Environments:
- Select the checkbox(es) to the left of the company(s) you would like to import.
- If you see the Environment Tier column, you must select an Environment Tier before importing companies. If you do not see this column, skip to Step 3. If you have already selected an Environment's Tier with another integration, skip to Step 3. In the Actions dropdown, click Select Tier > Select the appropriate Tier > Select Apply. For more information on Environment Tiers, please review our documentation.
- The Environment Groups column gives you the ability to assign an Environment to an Environment Group upon importing your Environment(s). For more information about Environment Groups, please review our documentation.
- Select the checkboxes to the left of the company(s) you would like to import. In the Actions pulldown, select Import Companies, or you can click the Import button.
Filter by Status or Type
With tables in Liongard, you can filter by typing at the top of the column. For instance, you may want to see only "Customers" in the Type field with "Active" Status.
Step 4: Map Companies
Navigate to the Map Companies tab. Here, you'll map your now existing Liongard Environments to your ConnectWise Companies.
Missing Companies
If you do not see the client that you would like to map an Environment to, then check your Import Options to ensure that they are included in your selected Types, Statuses, and/or Territories.
If a suggested mapping is available, the corresponding autosuggestion will be filled into the field in the left ConnectWise Company column.
You can Map companies by bulk selecting through selecting checkboxes on the left and using the Actions pulldown and selecting Apply Mappings, or by individually clicking the Map button on the right and selecting Done.
For those without suggested mappings, you can type into the empty field in the ConnectWise Company column to find the correct Liongard Environment.
If there is no matching Environment, you will need to adjust your filters in the Select Filters tab.
Updated 4 months ago