IT Glue
Let's start automating your documentation with Liongard's IT Glue integration.
PSA & IT Glue Integration
If you have a supported PSA, we recommend reviewing our Liongard Integration Best Practices documentation before importing any organizations from IT Glue.
IT Glue Enterprise
Liongard's Integration requires IT Glue Enterprise.
Our IT Glue integration allows you to:
- Import your IT Glue Organizations to create Liongard Environments
- Push Liongard's data into Flexible Assets
- Sync Liongard asset changes and system information directly into IT Glue’s Core Configurations with the IT Glue Pro Sync add-on
What data gets pushed to IT Glue?
You have control over the data that gets pushed into IT Glue in two ways: by Environment, by Flexible Asset type, or through Core Configurations. Data will not get pushed over to IT Glue until you turn on Liongard's Auto-Updating.
Where does Liongard's data land in IT Glue?
1. Flexible Assets
Liongard's data can be populated into new Flexible Asset types. All of Liongard's Flexible Assets types end in "(auto)".
To easily locate Liongard’s Flexible Assets in IT Glue, we suggest customizing your sidebar to include Liongard's Flexible Assets. When you have done that, you can find Liongard's Flexible Assets by selecting an Organization > In your left sidebar, look for Flexible Assets that end in "(auto)"
- Best Practice: Create a Section in your sidebar called "Liongard" for all of Liongard's Flexible Assets
You can Relate Liongard's Flexible Assets with your existing Flexible Assets, Core Assets, or Configurations.
2. Core Asset Configurations
Using Liongard's Advanced Automated Documentation feature, system inspector data can be synced directly into IT Glue's core configurations, allowing you to manage your assets effectively.
Once enabled, you can find detailed asset information from Liongard in each of your organization's Core Asset Configurations.
When does Liongard's data get pushed to IT Glue?
Liongard's data gets pushed to IT Glue each time an Inspector runs.
Deploy Liongard's IT Glue Integration
Updated about 1 month ago