Inspector Status Messages

Below is a list of statuses you will see under your Inspector management screens. These are intended to provide guidance on initial troubleshooting steps.

Agent IssueThe Inspector is not assigned an Agent, OR
the Inspector is in a "Scheduled" state and is associated with an Agent that has NOT had a heartbeat in over 24 hours.
CompletedThe Inspector has landed a Data Print to the platform, and the Data Print was successfully processed by the platform.
DisabledThe Inspector is not enabled to run.
Inspector FailureThe Inspector failed to upload a Data Print to the platform due to an issue encountered during its execution.
Not TriggeredThe Inspector has never been scheduled to run.
Platform FailureThe Inspector successfully uploaded a Data Print to the platform, and there was an issue encountered during the payload processing. These issues include the payload being too large, PSA mappings failing to sync, etc.
ProcessingNot applicable to On-Demand Agents.

The Agent responsible for the Inspector has received the job from the platform and is getting ready to invoke the inspection.
RunningThe Agent responsible for the Inspector has started the execution of the Inspector process.
ScheduledThe platform has created the inspection job and is waiting for the Agent to process it.
Setup IssueThe Inspector failed to upload a Data Print to the platform due to an issue encountered during its execution.

The partner is responsible for resolving this issue.
TimeoutThe Inspector failed to upload a Data Print to the platform within the time allotted. For On-Demand Agents, the allotted time is 15 minutes. For all other Agent types, the allotted time is 2 hours.