Apps and Services System Inspector Summary

Active Directory


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects Active Directory, returning a wide variety of data including actionable summary information such as privileged users, security policies and much more.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Windows Server

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Domain Name
  • Domain Mode
  • Domain Controllers
  • Sites / Subnets
  • Recycle Bin Enabled
  • Recycle Bin Scope
  • Total Users
  • Total Privileged Users
  • Privileged Users
  • Total Stale Users
  • User Summary
  • Total Groups
  • Group - Administrators
  • Group - Domain Admins
  • Group - Enterprise Admins
  • Total Computers
  • Total Stale Computer Accounts
  • Total Computer Types
  • Servers
  • Organizational Units
  • Minimum Password Length
  • Password Complexity Requirement
  • Enforce Password History
  • Max Password Age (days)
  • Min Password Age (days)
  • Account Lockout Threshold
  • Account Lockout Duration (hours)
  • Account Lockout Observation Window (hours)
  • Store Passwords With Reversible Encryption
  • Details about Group Changes In Last 24 Hours: Object Name, Object Type, Group Name, Privileged, Modify Time

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Computers
  • Group Policies
  • Domain
  • Domain Controllers
  • Forest
  • RootDSE
  • Organizational Units
  • DHCP
  • DNS

Actionable Alerts

  • Active Directory | Locked Out Users
  • Active Directory | User with Stale Password
  • Active Directory | Privileged User with Stale Password
  • Active Directory | No Password Expiration Policy
  • Active Directory | Stale User Accounts
  • Active Directory | Never Used User Accounts
  • Active Directory | User Accounts With Incorrect Passwords
  • Active Directory | User Accounts With Brute Force Attempts
  • Active Directory | Default Guest Account Enabled
  • Active Directory | Stale Computer Accounts
  • Active Directory | Computers With Anomalous Login Activity
  • Active Directory | Domain Mode at or near End of Support
  • Active Directory | Forest Mode at or near End of Support
  • Active Directory | Servers at or near End of Support
  • Active Directory | Workstations at or near End of Support
  • Active Directory | Default Domain Policy - Minimum Password Length Too Short
  • Active Directory | Default Domain Policy - Password Complexity Not Activated
  • Active Directory | Default Domain Policy - Account Lockout Threshold Not Set
  • Active Directory | Lack of Redundancy With Domain Services
  • Active Directory | Change to Active Users
  • Active Directory | Change to Privileged Users
  • Active Directory | Recycle Bin Not Enabled
  • Active Directory | Detached Grouped Policy
  • Active Directory | GPO Last Modification Timestamp Changed
  • Active Directory | Protected Group Members Modified
  • Active Directory | AD Recycle Bin Toggled
  • Active Directory | AD Recycle Bin Scopes Modified
  • Active Directory | Domain Mode Modified
  • Active Directory | Forest Mode Modified
  • Active Directory | FSMO Role Holders Modified
  • Active Directory | Forest Sites Modified
  • Active Directory | Global Catalog Servers Modified
  • Active Directory | Key Password Policy Details Modified
  • Active Directory | Domain Controllers + Key Details Modified
  • Active Directory | Count of Joined Computers Changed


  • Active Directory: Count of Joined Computers
  • Active Directory: Privileged Users Count
  • Active Directory: Workstation Count
  • Active Directory: Server Count
  • Active Directory: Never Used Users Count (Activity)
  • Active Directory: In Use Users Count (Activity)
  • Active Directory: Stale Users Count (Activity)
  • Active Directory: Disabled Users Count (Status)
  • Active Directory: Expired Users Count (Status)
  • Active Directory: Active Users Count (Status)
  • Active Directory: Locked Out Users Count (Status)
  • Active Directory: Stale Computer Count
  • Active Directory: Users Count
  • Active Directory: Windows 7 OS Computers List
  • Active Directory: Windows 7 OS Computers Count
  • Active Directory: Windows XP OS Computers List
  • Active Directory: Windows XP OS Computers Count
  • Active Directory: SystemInfo
  • Active Directory: Groups
  • Active Directory: Computers List
  • Active Directory: Active Users List
  • Active Directory: Privileged Users List
  • Active Directory: GPO Last Modification Summary
  • Active Directory: Protected Group Members Summary
  • Active Directory: AD Recycle Bin Enabled
  • Active Directory: AD Recycle Bin Scope List
  • Active Directory: Domain Mode
  • Active Directory: Forest Mode Numerical
  • Active Directory: FSMO Role Holders List
  • Active Directory: Forest Site List
  • Active Directory: Global Catalog Server List
  • Active Directory: Password Policy Summary
  • Active Directory: Domain Controllers Summary
  • Active Directory: Active Users Email List
  • Active Directory: Locked Out Users List
  • Active Directory: Locked Out Users Count
  • Active Directory: Non-Privileged Users with Stale Password List
  • Active Directory: Age of Oldest Non-Privileged User Password
  • Active Directory: Privileged Users with Stale Password List
  • Active Directory: Age of Oldest Privileged User Password
  • Active Directory: Maximum Password Age
  • Active Directory: Stale User Accounts Summary
  • Active Directory: Stale User Accounts Count
  • Active Directory: Never Used User Accounts Summary
  • Active Directory: Never Used User Accounts Count
  • Active Directory: User Accounts With Incorrect Password Attempts Summary
  • Active Directory: User Accounts With Incorrect Password Attempts Count
  • Active Directory: User Accounts With Brute Force Attempts List
  • Active Directory: User Accounts With Brute Force Attempts Count
  • Active Directory: Default Guest Account Enabled
  • Active Directory: Default Guest Account Enabled Count
  • Active Directory: Stale Computer Accounts List
  • Active Directory: Stale Computer Accounts Count
  • Active Directory: Computers With Anomalous Login Activity List
  • Active Directory: Computers With Anomalous Login Activity Count
  • Active Directory: Domain Mode Numerical
  • Active Directory: Forest Mode
  • Active Directory: Servers at or near End of OS Support Summary
  • Active Directory: Servers at or near End of OS Support Count
  • Active Directory: Workstations at or near End of OS Support Summary
  • Active Directory: Workstations at or near End of OS Support Count
  • Active Directory: Account Minimum Password Length
  • Active Directory: Account Password Complexity
  • Active Directory: Account Lockout Threshold
  • Active Directory: Account Lockout Observation Window
  • Active Directory: Account Lockout Duration
  • Active Directory: Domain Controllers Count
  • Active Directory: Detached Grouped Policy List
  • Active Directory: Detached Grouped Policy Count
  • Active Directory: Group List
  • Active Directory: End of Life Workstations (Excludes Roar Group)
  • Active Directory: List of Active Users with Brute Force Attempts
  • Active Directory: Enforce Password History
  • Active Directory: Minimum Password Age
  • Active Directory: DHCP % In Use Over 80 List
  • Active Directory: User Password & Activity Summary [Power BI]
  • Active Directory: Account Policy [Power BI]
  • Active Directory: Computers Details [PowerBI]
  • Active Directory: User Search List [Power BI]



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: .
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Total Discovered Child Policies
  • Total Policies
  • Total Users

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Policies
  • Users

Child Overview Data Table

  • Total Devices
  • Total Unique Applications

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Policy Details
  • Devices
  • Applications

Actionable Alerts

  • Addigy | Device Count Changed
  • Addigy | Device List
  • Addigy | Privileged User List Changed
  • Addigy | Splashtop Enabled List
  • Addigy | SSH Enabled List
  • Addigy | Top-Level Policy List
  • Addigy | Unique Application Version List
  • Addigy | User List Changed
  • Addigy | VNC Enabled List


  • Addigy: Device Count
  • Addigy: Device List
  • Addigy: Privileged User List
  • Addigy: Splashtop Enabled List
  • Addigy: SSH Enabled List
  • Addigy: Top-Level Policy List
  • Addigy: Unique Application List
  • Addigy: User List
  • Addigy: VNC Enabled List

Addigy (Legacy)


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: This pulls information from Addigy including users, devices, policies, alerts, and software catalog. This service is designed as an RMM for Mac systems in particular.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • Total Devices
  • Online Devices
  • Devices
  • Total Policies
  • Policies
  • Total Profiles
  • Profiles
  • Total Critical Alerts

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Devices
  • Applications
  • Alerts
  • Policies

Actionable Alerts


  • Addigy: Device Count



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects an Autotask instance to discover domains for Accounts.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Internet Domain/DNS

Data Views Information

Data Tab Headers

  • Accounts

Actionable Alerts


  • Autotask: Company Count

Bitdefender GravityZone


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: This inspector inspects Bitdefender GravityZone business and enterprise instances. It pulls data including Users, Policies, Network, Quarantined Items, Companies, and more.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Bitdefender GravityZone

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • Software
  • Total Users
  • Total Privileged Users
  • Privileged Users
  • Total Endpoint
  • Total Computers
  • Total Virtual Machines
  • Users EC2 Instances
  • Total Infected Endpoints
  • Infected Endpoints
  • Endpoints Not Seen in 24 Hours
  • Outdated Endpoints
  • Endpoints with Outdated Signatures
  • Subscription Type
  • Expiration Date
  • Used Licenses
  • Available Licenses
  • Manage Exchange
  • Manage Encryption
  • Manage Remote Engines Scanning
  • Manage Hyper Detect
  • Manage Sandbox Analyzer
  • Manage Patch Management
  • Manage Event Correlator

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Endpoints
  • Groups
  • Folders
  • Quarantines
  • Incidents
  • Policies

Actionable Alerts

  • Bitdefender GravityZone | Change to Policies & Their Last Modified Times
  • Bitdefender GravityZone | Change to the Number of Privileged Users


  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Users Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Privileged Users Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Privileged Users List
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Endpoints Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Online Endpoints Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Managed Endpoints Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Computers Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Virtual Machines Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: EC2 Instances Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Used Licenses
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Infected Systems Count
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Infected Systems List
  • Bitdefender GravityZone: Policies & Their Last Modified Times List
  • BitDefender: User Email List

ConnectWise Automate


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for the ConnectWise Automate platform, retrieving data for users, patch information & policies, computers, and network devices.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: ConnectWise Automate

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Clients
  • Locations

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • System
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Clients
  • Locations
  • Patching
  • Contacts
  • Scripts
  • Tickets

Child Overview Data Table

  • Computers
  • Network Devices

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Computers
  • Network Devices

Actionable Alerts

  • ConnectWise Automate | Server Not Patched in Past 30 Days
  • ConnectWise Automate | Changed Users Without Successful Login in Past 30 Days
  • ConnectWise Automate | Change to Tickets Due in Less Than 1 Day
  • ConnectWise Automate | Change to Computers Not Seen In Past 30 Days
  • ConnectWise Automate | Change to Network Devices Not Seen In Past 30 Days
  • ConnectWise Automate | Change to Plugins and Status
  • ConnectWise Automate | Change to Locked Users
  • ConnectWise Automate | Change to Scripts Not Updated in Past Year


  • ConnectWise Automate: Days Since Server Last Patched
  • ConnectWise Automate: Users Without Successful Login in Last 30 days
  • ConnectWise Automate: Tickets Due in Less Than 1 Day
  • ConnectWise Automate: Computers Not Seen In Past 30 Days
  • ConnectWise Automate: Network Devices Not Updated Last 30 Days
  • ConnectWise Automate: Total Users
  • ConnectWise Automate: Total Groups
  • ConnectWise Automate: Total Clients
  • ConnectWise Automate: Total Locations
  • ConnectWise Automate: Server Licensing Usage
  • ConnectWise Automate: List of Plugins and Versions
  • ConnectWise Automate: List of Plugins and Status
  • ConnectWise Automate: List of Locked Users
  • ConnectWise Automate: List of Scripts Not Updated in the Past Year

ConnectWise Manage


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects a ConnectWise instance (cloud or on-prem) and returns a basic set of data about that instance. It also auto-discovers Internet Domain inspectors for companies stored in ConnectWise.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Internet Domain/DNS

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Company Name
  • Company ID
  • Site URL
  • Cloud Instance
  • Region
  • Version
  • Version Code
  • Codebase
  • Allowed Origin(s)
  • Details about License Information: Feature, Active

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Companies
  • Configurations
  • Service Boards
  • Sites
  • Projects
  • Roles

Actionable Alerts


  • ConnectWise: SystemInfo
  • Connectwise: Active Users Email List
  • ConnectWise Manage: Company Count

Continuum RMM


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects a Continuum RMM instance bringing back information about endpoints and machines, software installed, and more.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Continuum RMM

Data Views Information

Child Overview Data Table

  • Total Endpoints
  • Total Desktops
  • Total Servers
  • Total Firewalls
  • Total Switches
  • Total SNMP Devices
  • Total Mobile Devices
  • Total Non-Compliant Mobile Devices
  • Total Antivirus Machines
  • Total Tracked Software Installed
  • Total Patches Installed
  • Total Patches Under Review
  • Total Third Party Patches Installed
  • Total Service Tickets Opened
  • Total Service Tickets Closed
  • Backup Continuity 24/7 Status Summary (Percent Succeeded)
  • Backup Continuity 24/7 Status Summary (Percent Failed)
  • Active Desktops
  • (Data Unavailable) Desktops
  • Expired Desktops
  • Error Desktops
  • Active Servers
  • (Data Unavailable) Servers
  • Expired Servers
  • Error Servers
  • Overall Score
  • Server Antivirus Score
  • Server Availability Score
  • Server CPU Utilization Score
  • Server Disk Utilization Score
  • Server Memory Utilization Score
  • Server Patch Score
  • Server Warranty Score
  • Desktop Antivirus Score
  • Desktop DiskSpace Score
  • Desktop Patch Score
  • Desktop TempFile Score
  • Desktop Warranty Score
  • Operating Systems Summary (Servers)
  • Operating Systems Summary (Desktops)

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Agents
  • Devices
  • Disk Space Utilization
  • Warranty Details
  • Antivirus
  • Patches

Actionable Alerts

  • Continuum RMM | Failed or Stale Agents


  • Continuum RMM: Total Agents Count
  • Continuum RMM: Total SNMP Devices Count
  • Continuum RMM: Failed or Stale Agents List
  • Continuum RMM: Failed or Stale Agents Count

Datto BCDR


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects Datto Partner Portal API.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Datto BCDR

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Customer Name
  • Device Name
  • Device Model
  • Serial Number
  • Internal IP Address
  • Service Plan
  • Registration Date
  • Warranty Expiration Date
  • Total Agents
  • Total Shares
  • Local Storage Available
  • Local Storage Used
  • Off-Site Storage Used

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Backups
  • Agents
  • Shares

Actionable Alerts

  • Datto | A Recent Backup Has Failed
  • Datto | A Datto Backup Has Not Completed in the Last 24 Hours
  • Datto BCDR | Local Disk Usage
  • Datto BCDR | 30 Days until Warranty Expiration
  • Datto BCDR | 30 Days until Service Expiration


  • Datto BCDR: Associated Device List
  • Datto BCDR: Appliance Serial Number
  • Datto BCDR: Appliance Model
  • Datto BCDR: Assets Count
  • Datto: Recent Datto Backup Failed List
  • Datto: Recent Datto Backup Failed
  • Datto: Datto Backups Not Completed in the Last 24 Hours Summary
  • Datto: Datto Backups Not Completed in the Last 24 Hours Count
  • Datto BCDR: Percent Local Storage Free
  • Datto BCDR: Days Until Warranty Expiration
  • Datto BCDR: Device Name and Serial Number
  • Datto BCDR: Days until Service Expiration

Datto RMM


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for the Datto RMM platform, a cloud based, powerful, easy-to-use remote monitoring and management platform that provides a single-pane-of-glass view into all your endpoints and the tools you really need to improve delivery.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Datto RMM

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Site Name
  • Site Description
  • Site Portal URL
  • Site Devices Count
  • Site Unresolved Alerts Count
  • Site is On Demand
  • Account Name
  • Account Billing Email
  • Account Device Limit
  • Account Devices Count
  • Account Active Users Count
  • Total Sites for Account

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Devices

Actionable Alerts


  • datto-rmm-inspector: Devices with Pending Patches Count
  • datto-rmm-inspector: Devices with SNMP Enabled Count
  • datto-rmm-inspector: Open Alerts Count

Duo Security


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects Duo Security.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Duo Security

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Company
  • Total Users
  • Total Admins
  • Total Integrations
  • Telephony Credits Remaining
  • Company
  • Language
  • Timezone
  • Caller Id
  • SMS Batch
  • SMS Enabled
  • SMS Message
  • SMS Refresh
  • SMS Expiration
  • Push Enabled
  • Voice Enabled
  • Keypress Fraud
  • Keypress Confirm
  • Fraud Email Enabled
  • Fraud Email
  • Reactivation Url
  • Enrollment Module
  • Log Retention Days
  • Telephony Warning Min
  • User Telephony Cost Max
  • Helpdesk Bypass
  • Helpdesk Bypass Expiration
  • Inactive Admin Expiration
  • Security Checkup Enabled
  • Inactive User Expiration
  • Lockout Expire Duration
  • Minimum Password Length
  • Password Requires Numeric
  • Password Requires Special
  • Password Requires Lower Alpha
  • Password Requires Upper Alpha
  • Mobile OTP Enabled
  • IOS Min Version
  • Android Min Version
  • Blackberry Min Version
  • Windows Phone Min Version
  • Req Fips Passcodes Android

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Admins
  • Groups
  • Phones
  • Endpoints
  • Integrations

Actionable Alerts


  • Duo: Active User Count
  • Duo: Active User List
  • Duo: Endpoints list [Power BI]
  • Duo: Active UserNames [Power BI]
  • Duo Security: Users Search List [Power BI]



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for HaloPSA.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Internet Domain/DNS

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Total Active Customers
  • Total Inactive Customers
  • Total Active Agents
  • Total Active Teams
  • Total Active Contracts
  • App Version
  • Database Version
  • License count

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Agents
  • Customers
  • Teams
  • Contracts

Actionable Alerts




  • Production Status: Beta
  • Description: Inspects a Huntress via a local or remote inspection.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Key
  • Notify Email
  • Count of Incident Reports
  • Count of Agents
  • Created On
  • Last Updated On
  • ID

Data Tab Headers

  • Agents

Actionable Alerts

  • Huntress | Unresponsive agents count (21 days)
  • Huntress | Unresponsive agents count (30 days)
  • Huntress | Unresponsive agents count (45 days)
  • Huntress | Unresponsive agents count (60 days)
  • Huntress | Unresponsive agents count (90 days)


  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents list(21 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents count (21 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents list (30 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents count (30 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents list (45 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents count (45 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents list (60 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents count (60 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents list (90 days)
  • Huntress: Unresponsive agents count (90 days)



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects a Hyper-V instance via a local or remote inspection.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Domain
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Physical CPU Count
  • Logical Core Count
  • Total Memory (GB)
  • OS Version
  • Registered User
  • Registered Organization
  • VM Count
  • Healthy VM Count
  • Unhealthy VM Count
  • Replication Enabled
  • Migration Enabled
  • Status
  • Authentication Type
  • Monitoring Interval
  • Allowed From Any Server

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Host Server
  • Virtual Machines

Actionable Alerts

  • Hyper-V | Unhealthy Storage Volume(s)


  • Hyper-V: Virtual Machine List
  • Hyper-V: Replication Enabled
  • Hyper-V: Replication Status
  • Hyper-V: VM Count
  • Hyper-V: Host Physical Core Count
  • Hyper-V: Host OS Version
  • Hyper-V: Logical CPU Core Count
  • Hyper-V: Host Volume Count
  • Hyper-V: Host Network Count
  • Hyper-V: Virtual Machine Count
  • Hyper-V: Unhealthy Storage Volume(s) List
  • Hyper-V: Unhealthy Storage Volume(s) Count

IT Glue


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects an IT Glue instance, returning a basic data set including users and organizations.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Internet Domain/DNS

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Users
  • Contacts
  • Fields
  • Models
  • Regions
  • Countries
  • Locations
  • Passwords
  • Platforms
  • Operating Systems
  • Manufacturers
  • Organizations
  • Flexible Assets

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Organizations
  • Locations
  • Platforms & Operating Systems
  • Manufacturers
  • Flexible Asset Types
  • Flexible Asset Type Fields
  • Models

Actionable Alerts


  • IT Glue: User Email List

Kaseya BMS


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for Kaseya BMS.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Count of Users
  • Count of Roles
  • Count of Accounts
  • Count of Services
  • Count of Contracts

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Accounts
  • Services
  • Contracts

Actionable Alerts


  • Kaseya BMS: Company Count

Kaseya VSA


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects Kaseya VSA for assets.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Kaseya VSA

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • System Version
  • Patch Level
  • Time Zone Offset
  • System User Count
  • Asset Count
  • Desktop/Laptop Count
  • Mobile Device Count
  • Assets With Alerts

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users

Child Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • System Version
  • Patch Level
  • Time Zone Offset
  • System User Count
  • Asset Count
  • Desktop/Laptop Count
  • Mobile Device Count
  • Assets With Alerts

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Assets
  • Agents

Actionable Alerts


  • Kaseya VSA: Desktop/Laptop Count
  • Kaseya VSA: Active Users Count
  • Kaseya VSA: Agent Count

N-able Backup


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for N-able Backup
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N-able Backup

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Level
  • Status
  • Service type (for customer)
  • Service type (to provide)
  • Device Country
  • Data Storage Location
  • Legal Name
  • Website
  • Country
  • State
  • Address
  • Zip Code
  • City

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Devices
  • Microsoft 365

Actionable Alerts

  • N-able Backup | Device Backup has not been completed in the last 24 hours
  • N-able Backup | Users Added/Removed/Modified
  • N-able Backup | Microsoft 365 Exchange Backup not completed in the last 24 hours
  • N-able Backup | Microsoft 365 OneDrive Backup not completed in the last 24 hours
  • N-able Backup | Microsoft 365 SharePoint Backup not completed in the last 24 hours
  • N-able Backup | Most Recent Device Backup has Failed
  • N-able Backup | Most Recent Device Backup has not Successfully Synchronized


  • Solarwinds Backup: User Summary
  • Solarwinds Backup: Device Summary
  • Solarwinds Backup: Microsoft 365 Summary
  • Solarwinds Backup: Total count of users
  • Solarwinds Backup: Count of Users with 2FA
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Users with 2FA
  • Solarwinds Backup: Count of Users without 2FA
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Users without 2FA
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Protected Servers
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Protected Workstations
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed Exchange Backup Count
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed Exchange Backup List
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed OneDrive Backup Count
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed OneDrive Backup List
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed SharePoint Backup Count
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed SharePoint Backup List
  • Solarwinds Backup: Count of Protected Microsoft 365 Users
  • Solarwinds Backup: Count of Failed Backups
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Failed Backups
  • Solarwinds Backup: Count of Backups Completed with Errors
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Backups Completed with Errors
  • Solarwinds Backup: List of Devices not Synchronized
  • Solarwinds Backup: Count of Devices not Synchronized
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed Device Backup Count
  • Solarwinds Backup: 24 Hours Since Last Completed Device Backup List

N-able N-central


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A Dedicated inspector for the N-able N-central platform which is a cloud or on-premise RMM solution designed with the MSP in mind enabling MSPs to monitor Network Topology, Patch management, Endpoint health, Remote access, and an Automation Manager that makes scripting easy.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N-able N-central

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone
  • Contact Ext
  • Contact Email
  • Maintenance Window Start
  • Maintenance Window Duration
  • Registration Token Expiry
  • Count of Devices with Professional License
  • Count of Devices with Workstation Class
  • Count of Devices with Printer Class
  • Count of Devices with Server Class
  • Count of Devices with Switch/Router Class
  • Roles being used Summary

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Roles
  • Groups

Child Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone
  • Contact Ext
  • Contact Email
  • Maintenance Window Start
  • Maintenance Window Duration
  • Registration Token Expiry
  • Count of Devices with Professional License
  • Count of Devices with Workstation Class
  • Count of Devices with Printer Class
  • Count of Devices with Server Class
  • Count of Devices with Switch/Router Class
  • Roles being used Summary

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Roles
  • Devices
  • Jobs

Actionable Alerts

  • N-able N-central | Devices found in a Failed State
  • N-able N-central | Devices found in a Warning State
  • N-able N-central | Devices found in a Stale State
  • N-able N-central | Jobs found in a Failed State


  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Windows Servers
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Windows Servers
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Workstations
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Workstations
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Printer Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Printer Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of ESXi Servers
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of ESXi Servers
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Windows Laptop Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Windows Laptop Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Switch/Router Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Switch/Router Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Storage Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Storage Devices
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Failed Jobs
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Failed Jobs
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Devices in a Failed State
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Devices in a Failed State
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Devices in a Warning State
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Devices in a Warning State
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Devices added in the last 30 Days
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Devices added in the last 30 Days
  • SolarWinds N-central: List of Devices in a Stale State
  • SolarWinds N-central: Count of Devices in a Stale State
  • N-able N-central: Device List [Power BI]
  • N-able N-central: Device Details [PowerBI]
  • N-able N-Central: Device Information with Last User [Power BI]

N-able RMM


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for N-able RMM.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N-able RMM

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Client Count
  • Discovered Count
  • Details about Client Table: name, clientid, timezone, device_count, server_count, creation_date, DaysSinceCreation_r, workstation_count, mobile_device_count

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview

Child Overview Data Table

  • Total Sites
  • Server Count
  • Workstation Count
  • Mobile Device Count
  • Agentless Devices Count

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Servers
  • Workstations
  • Sites
  • Mobile Devices

Actionable Alerts

  • N-able | Servers Added/Removed


  • N-able: Server List
  • N-able: Server Count
  • N-able: Workstation Count
  • N-able: Sites List
  • N-able: Sites Count
  • N-able: Inactive Mobile Devices
  • N-able: Server Summary
  • N-able: Workstation Summary



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for the NinjaOne platform, a cloud based, powerful, easy-to-use remote monitoring and management platform that provides a single-pane-of-glass view into all your endpoints and the tools you really need to improve delivery.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: NinjaOne

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Location(s)
  • PSA Enabled
  • Tray Icon Enabled
  • Splashtop Enabled
  • Splashtop Targets
  • Teamviewer Enabled
  • Priviledged Users without MFA
  • Groups Created in the Last 30 days
  • Roles Created in the Last 30 days
  • Devices Created in the Last 30 days
  • Count of Disks that need Attention
  • Devices with Freespace below 20%
  • Devices that Need Attention

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Roles
  • Policies
  • Devices
  • Disk Space

Child Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Location(s)
  • PSA Enabled
  • Tray Icon Enabled
  • Splashtop Enabled
  • Splashtop Targets
  • Teamviewer Enabled
  • Priviledged Users without MFA
  • Groups Created in the Last 30 days
  • Roles Created in the Last 30 days
  • Devices Created in the Last 30 days
  • Count of Disks that need Attention
  • Devices with Freespace below 20%
  • Devices that Need Attention

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Devices
  • Disk Space

Actionable Alerts

  • NinjaOne | Devices with Volumes less than 20% free space
  • NinjaOne | Devices not updated in the last 14 Days
  • NinjaOne | Disks that need Attention
  • NinjaOne | Devices in an Unhealthy State


  • NinjaRMM: List of Users without MFA
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Users without MFA
  • NinjaRMM: List of Priviledged Users
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Privileged Users
  • NinjaRMM: List of Active Users
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Active Users
  • NinjaRMM: List of Groups created in the last 30 days
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Groups created in the last 30 days
  • NinjaRMM: List of Roles created in the last 30 days
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Roles created in the last 30 days
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices created in the last 30 days
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices created in the last 30 days
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices not updated in the last 14 days
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices not updated in the last 14 days
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices in Unhealthy State
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices in Unhealthy State
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices in Needs Attention State
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices in Needs Attention State
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices with Failed OS Patches
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices with failed OS patches
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices with failed software patches
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices with failed software patches
  • NinjaRMM: List of Devices with freespace below 20%
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Devices with freespace below 20%
  • NinjaRMM: List of Disks that Need Attention
  • NinjaRMM: Count of Disks that Need Attention
  • NinjaRMM: Disk Summary
  • NinjaRMM: Device Summary
  • NinjaRMM: List of Groups

Sophos Central


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects Sophos Central.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Sophos Central

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Site Name
  • Partner ID

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview

Child Overview Data Table

  • Name
  • Site Name
  • Partner ID
  • Total Endpoints
  • Total Computers
  • Total Servers
  • Total Installed InterceptX
  • Total Installed Device Encryption
  • Total Installed MTR

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Endpoints
  • Product

Actionable Alerts

  • Sophos Central | Endpoints not seen in the last 30 Days
  • Sophos Central | Threat Health not in Good State
  • Sophos Central | Service Health not in Good State
  • Sophos Central | Tamper Protection Is Disabled


  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Endpoint Protection Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Endpoint Protection Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Endpoint Protection Not Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Endpoint Protection Not Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Intercept X Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Intercept X Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Intercept X Not Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Intercept X Not Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with CoreAgent Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with CoreAgent Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with CoreAgent Not Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with CoreAgent Not Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with MTR Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with MTR Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with MTR Not Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with MTR Not Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Device Encryption Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Device Encryption Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Device Encryption Not Installed Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Device Encryption Not Installed List
  • Sophos Central: Windows 10 Build Version Summary
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Threat Health Not In Good State List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Threat Health Not In Good State Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Service Health Not In Good State
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Service Health Not In Good State Count
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Tamper Protection Disabled List
  • Sophos Central: Endpoints with Tamper Protection Disabled Count

SQL Server


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects a Microsoft SQL Server, returning a wide variety of data including database details, users and groups, jobs and maintenance plans, and more.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • SQL Server Instance
  • Server Name
  • Machine Name (OS)
  • Product Name
  • Product Version
  • Product Level
  • Product Edition
  • Quantity Databases
  • Databases
  • System Databases
  • Instance Default Data Path
  • Instance Default Log Path
  • Instance Default Collation
  • Authentication Security

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Roles
  • Permissions
  • Databases
  • Recent Backups
  • Jobs
  • Maintenance Plans
  • Configurations
  • System Services
  • Process List
  • Performance Metrics

Actionable Alerts

  • SQL Server | Scheduled Job Has Not Run
  • SQL Server | Scheduled Maintenance Plan Has Not Run
  • SQL Server | Database in Offline State
  • SQL Server | Database in Restoring State
  • SQL Server | Database in Recovering State
  • SQL Server | Database in Recovery Pending State
  • SQL Server | Database in Suspect State
  • SQL Server | Database in Emergency State
  • SQL Server | Database in Read Only Mode
  • SQL Server | Database with Auto Close Option Enabled
  • SQL Server | Database with Auto Create Stats Disabled
  • SQL Server | Database with Auto Update Stats Disabled
  • SQL Server | Master System Database with No Recent Backup
  • SQL Server | MSDB System Database with No Recent Backup
  • SQL Server | Model System Database with No Recent Backup
  • SQL Server | Database with No Recent Backup
  • SQL Server | Database with Full Recovery Model and No Log Backups
  • SQL Server | Database Backup Stored On Same Drive as Database
  • SQL Server | Change to Databases Present
  • SQL Server | Change to Privileged Users
  • SQL Server | Change to Software Version
  • SQL Server | Users Added/Removed
  • SQL Server | IP Address Modified
  • SQL Server | Instance Default Log Path Modified
  • SQL Server | Instance Default Data Path Modified
  • SQL Server | SysAdmin Modified
  • SQL Server | Merged Role Members Added/Removed
  • SQL Server | Configurations Modified
  • SQL Server | Database Locations Modified


  • SQL Server: User Database Count
  • SQL Server: Database Count
  • SQL Server: Offline Databases Count
  • SQL Server: Offline Databases List
  • SQL Server: Total Restoring Databases Count
  • SQL Server: Total Recovering Databases List
  • SQL Server: Total Recovering Databases Count
  • SQL Server: Recovering Databases Summary
  • SQL Server: Databases in Recovery Pending State Summary
  • SQL Server: Databases in Suspect State Summary
  • SQL Server: Databases in Emergency State Summary
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Close Option Enabled List
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Create Stats Disabled List
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Update Stats Disabled List
  • SQL Server: Master System Database Details
  • SQL Server: MSDB System Database Details
  • SQL Server: Model System Database Details
  • SQL Server: User Databases with No Recent Backup Summary
  • SQL Server: Databases with Full Recovery Model Summary
  • SQL Server: Databases with Backup Stored On Same Drive as Database Summary
  • SQL Server: Software Version
  • SQL Server: SystemInfo
  • SQL Server: Jobs List
  • SQL Server: Users Summary
  • SQL Server: Schemas List
  • SQL Server: Databases List
  • SQL Server: IP Address Summary
  • SQL Server: Build CLR Version
  • SQL Server: System Database List
  • SQL Server: Instance Default Log Path
  • SQL Server: Instance Default Data Path
  • SQL Server: SysAdmin Members
  • SQL Server: Merged Role Members Summary
  • SQL Server: User Databases List
  • SQL Server: Configurations Summary
  • SQL Server: Database Locations Summary
  • SQL Server: Role Members List
  • SQL Server: Database Role Members List
  • SQL Server: Database List
  • SQL Server: Privileged User List
  • SQL Server: Jobs Not Run in Last 1 Days
  • SQL Server: Jobs Not Run in Last 14 Days
  • SQL Server: Jobs Not Run in Last 5 Days
  • SQL Server: Maintenance Plans Not Run in Last 1 Days
  • SQL Server: Maintenance Plans Not Run in Last 14 Days
  • SQL Server: Maintenance Plans Not Run in Last 5 Days
  • SQL Server: Databases In Offline State List
  • SQL Server: Databases In Recovering State List
  • SQL Server: Databases In Recovering State Count
  • SQL Server: Databases In Recovery Pending State List
  • SQL Server: Databases In Recovery Pending State Count
  • SQL Server: Databases In Suspect State List
  • SQL Server: Databases In Suspect State Count
  • SQL Server: Databases In Emergency State List
  • SQL Server: Databases In Emergency State Count
  • SQL Server: Databases In Read Only Mode List
  • SQL Server: Databases In Read Only Mode Count
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Close Option Disabled List
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Close Option Disabled Count
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Create Stats Disabled Count
  • SQL Server: Databases with Auto Update Stats Disabled Count
  • SQL Server: master Database Details
  • SQL Server: Recent master Database Backups Count
  • SQL Server: msdb Database Details
  • SQL Server: Recent msdb Database Backups Count
  • SQL Server: Model Database Details
  • SQL Server: Recent model Database Backups Count
  • SQL Server: Databases with No Recent Backup List
  • SQL Server: Databases with No Recent Backup Count
  • SQL Server: Databases with Full Recovery Model and No Log Backups List
  • SQL Server: Databases with Full Recovery Model and No Log Backups Count
  • SQL Server: Databases With Backups on Same Drive as Database List
  • SQL Server: Databases With Backups on Same Drive as Database Count

StorageCraft SPX


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects StorageCraft ShadowProtect SPX instances and returns data about backup jobs, image chains, and volumes protected.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Hostname
  • Platform
  • System OS
  • Version
  • Product Key
  • System Volumes
  • Backups
  • Call Home Enabled
  • License Key
  • Days Remaining on License

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Backups
  • Image Bases
  • Destinations
  • Volumes

Actionable Alerts

  • StorageCraft SPX | Possible Backup Attempt Failure Detected


  • StorageCraft SPX: Days Until License Expiration
  • StorageCraft SPX: Software Version
  • StorageCraft SPX: Last Backup Attempt Failed List
  • StorageCraft SPX: Last Backup Attempt Failed Count



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for Syncro
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Syncro

Data Views Information

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Users
  • Companies
  • Contracts
  • Products

Child Overview Data Table

  • Company Name
  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Mobile
  • Address
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Location
  • Notes
  • Get sms
  • Opt out
  • Disabled
  • Notification email
  • Invoice cc emails
  • Referred by
  • Created at
  • Updated at

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Assets
  • Contacts
  • Portal Users

Actionable Alerts

  • Syncro | Priviledged Users Added/Removed
  • Syncro | Asset with less than 20% Freespace
  • Syncro | Asset with Recent BSOD Trigger
  • Syncro | Asset with Recent Smart Failure Trigger
  • Syncro | Asset with Recent Application Crash Trigger


  • Syncro: Company Count
  • Syncro: Count of Admin Users
  • Syncro: List of Admin Users
  • Syncro: Count of Users Created (Last 30 Days)
  • Syncro: List of Users Created (Last 30 Days)
  • Syncro: Count of Contacts Created (Last 30 Days)
  • Syncro: List of Contacts Created (Last 30 Days)
  • Syncro: Count of Contacts with Remote Access
  • Syncro: List of Contacts with Remote Access
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with Freespace below 20%
  • Syncro: List of Assets with Freespace below 20%
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with BitDefender Installed
  • Syncro: List of Assets with BitDefender Installed
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with Webroot Installed
  • Syncro: List of Assets with Webroot Installed
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with Emsisoft Installed
  • Syncro: List of Assets with Emsisoft Installed
  • Syncro: Count of Assets Created (Last 30 Days)
  • Syncro: List of Assets Created (Last 30 Days)
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with BSOD Triggered
  • Syncro: List of Assets with BSOD Triggered
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with Smart Failure Triggered
  • Syncro: List of Assets with Smart Failure Triggered
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with App Crash Triggered
  • Syncro: List of Assets with App Crash Triggered
  • Syncro: Count of Assets with Remote Access Enabled
  • Syncro: List of Assets with Remote Access Enabled
  • Syncro: Count of Physical Laptops
  • Syncro: List of Physical Laptops
  • Syncro: Count of Physical Desktops
  • Syncro: List of Physical Desktops
  • Syncro: Count of Virtual Servers
  • Syncro: List of Virtual Servers
  • Syncro: Count of Virtual Desktops
  • Syncro: List of Virtual Desktops
  • Syncro: Count of Physical Servers
  • Syncro: List of Physical Servers
  • Syncro: Count of Access Points
  • Syncro: List of Access Points
  • Syncro: Count of NAS Assets
  • Syncro: List of NAS Assets
  • Syncro: Count of Printers
  • Syncro: List of Printers
  • Syncro: Count of Switches
  • Syncro: List of Switches
  • Syncro: Count of Firewalls
  • Syncro: List of Firewalls



  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: A dedicated inspector for Vade.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Vade

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Total Customers
  • Total Users
  • Total Products
  • Total Distributors

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Customers
  • Users
  • Products
  • Distributors

Child Overview Data Table

  • Brand
  • ID
  • Created On
  • Contact
  • Email
  • Distributor
  • Reseller
  • Total Licenses
  • Total Per User Licenses
  • Total Per User Licenses In Use

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Licenses
  • Options
  • Events

Actionable Alerts

  • Vade | Change to Total Licenses
  • Vade | Change to Total Per User Licenses
  • Vade | Change to Total Per User Licenses In Use
  • Vade | License Usage Percentage Below 90%
  • Vade | Change to Active User List
  • Vade | Change to Customer List
  • Vade | Change to Product List
  • Vade | Change to Distributor List


  • Vade: Total Customers
  • Vade: Total Users
  • Vade: Total Products
  • Vade: Total Distributors
  • Vade: Total Licenses
  • Vade: Total Per User Licenses
  • Vade: Total Per User Licenses In Use
  • Vade: License Usage Percentage
  • Vade: Active User List
  • Vade: Customer List
  • Vade: Product List
  • Vade: Distributor List

Veeam Availability Console


Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • Total Failed Backup Jobs
  • Total Users
  • Total Computers
  • Computers Without a Backup in 24 Hours
  • Total Backup Repositories
  • Total Backup Resources
  • Total Backup Servers
  • Total Locations
  • Locations
  • Product
  • Edition
  • Status
  • Total Licenses
  • Used Licenses
  • Expiration Date
  • Support Expiration Date
  • Auto Renewal

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Backup Repositories

Child Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • Total Failed Backup Jobs
  • Total Users
  • Total Computers
  • Computers Without a Backup in 24 Hours
  • Total Backup Repositories
  • Total Backup Resources
  • Total Backup Servers
  • Total Locations
  • Locations
  • Product
  • Edition
  • Status
  • Total Licenses
  • Used Licenses
  • Expiration Date
  • Support Expiration Date
  • Auto Renewal

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Backup Jobs
  • Users
  • Computers
  • Backup Repositories
  • Backup Resources
  • Locations

Actionable Alerts


  • Veeam Availability Console: Unhealthy Backup Repositories Count
  • Veeam Availability Console: Unhealthy Backup Repositories List
  • Veeam Availability Console: Portal Administrator List
  • Veeam Availability Console: Backup Server License Expiration List
  • Veeam Availability Console: License Expiration Date

Veeam SPC


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: By leveraging the Veeam Cloud Connect framework this inspector is capable of reporting on virtual, physical and cloud-based Veeam Availability solutions including Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Veeam SPC

Data Views Information

Parent Overview Data Table

  • Recent Alarms
  • Total Users
  • Total Sites
  • Total Companies
  • Total Computers
  • Total Backup Proxies
  • Enabled Backup Proxies
  • Total Backup Servers
  • Enabled Backup Servers
  • Certificate
  • Name
  • Status
  • Instance ID
  • Reseller ID
  • Recent Company Alarms
  • Total Users
  • Total Sites Under Company
  • Certificate
  • Counters
  • Report ID
  • Generation Date
  • Total Points
  • Enabled Backup Servers

Parent Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Companies
  • Agents
  • Usage
  • Subscription Plans
  • Protected Assets

Child Overview Data Table

  • Recent Alarms
  • Total Users
  • Total Sites
  • Total Companies
  • Total Computers
  • Total Backup Proxies
  • Enabled Backup Proxies
  • Total Backup Servers
  • Enabled Backup Servers
  • Certificate
  • Name
  • Status
  • Instance ID
  • Reseller ID
  • Recent Company Alarms
  • Total Users
  • Total Sites Under Company
  • Certificate
  • Counters
  • Report ID
  • Generation Date
  • Total Points
  • Enabled Backup Servers

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Sites
  • Agents

Actionable Alerts

  • Veeam SPC | One Or More Backup Jobs Have Warnings Or Failures
  • Veeam SPC | One Or More Backup Jobs Have Warnings Or Failures (v5)


  • Veeam SPC: Enabled Tenants Count
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Proxies Out of Date List
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Proxies Out of Date Count
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Proxies Disabled List
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Proxies Disabled Count
  • Veeam SPC: Management Agents with Warnings or Errors List
  • Veeam SPC: Management Agents with Warnings or Errors Count
  • Veeam SPC: Management Agents Requiring a Reboot List
  • Veeam SPC: Management Agents Requiring a Reboot Count
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs Enabled Count
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs Enabled List
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs with Warnings or Failures List
  • Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs with Warnings or Failures Count
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Agents with Inaccessible Status Count (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Agents with Inaccessible Status List (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Agents with Healthy Status List (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Agents with Healthy Status Count (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs with Success Count (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs with Success List (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs with Warnings or Failures List (v5)
  • Veeam SPC: Veeam SPC: Backup Jobs with Warnings or Failures Count (v5)

VMware ESXi


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects a VMware ESXi instance, pulling back information about VMs, hosts, and datastores.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Hostname
  • Domain Name
  • Management IP
  • Manufacturer
  • Hardware Model
  • Hardware Serial
  • Hardware Enclosure Serial
  • Hardware IPMI Supported?
  • Total Memory (GB)
  • Physical CPU Count
  • CPU 0 Brand
  • CPU 0 Model
  • CPU 0 Core Speed
  • NUMA Count
  • Product
  • Version
  • Update
  • Patch
  • Build
  • Install Time
  • VM Count
  • vmknics Count
  • Users Count
  • Routes Count
  • Serial Number
  • License Name
  • Used / Total
  • Expiration Date

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Datastores
  • Virtual Machines
  • Snapshots
  • Network
  • Software VIBs

Actionable Alerts

  • VMware ESXi | License Expires within 30 days
  • VMware ESXi | VM List Modified
  • VMware ESXi | VM CPU Count Modified
  • VMware ESXi | VM Memory Amount Modified
  • VMware ESXi | VM Hardware Version Modified
  • VMware ESXi | VM Datastore Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Host Physical Memory Amount Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Host CPU Count Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Host CPU Details Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Users List Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Network Routing Modified
  • VMware ESXi | VMKNIC Details Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Datastore Details Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Software Version Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Software Serial Number Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Management IP Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Host NICs Not Negotiated At Full Duplex
  • VMware ESXi | VMNIC Details Modified
  • VMware ESXi | Datastore Free Space below 30%
  • VMware ESXi | Datastore Free Space below 20%
  • VMware ESXi | Datastore Free Space below 10%
  • VMware ESXI | VMNIC Link Down


  • VMware ESXi: VM Count
  • VMware ESXi: User Count
  • VMware ESXi: User List
  • VMware ESXi: VMNIC Count
  • VMware ESXi: VMNIC List
  • VMware ESXi: VMKNICS Count
  • VMware ESXi: VMKNIC List
  • VMware ESXi: Snapshot Count
  • VMware ESXi: Datastores Count
  • VMware ESXi: Version
  • VMware ESXi: Install Date and Time
  • VMware ESXi: Management IP Address
  • VMware ESXi: Host Physical Memory (GB)
  • VMware ESXi: Host CPU Count
  • VMware ESXi: License Expiration Date
  • VMware ESXi: Host Hardware Serial Number
  • VMware ESXi: Host Hardware Vendor
  • VMware ESXi: Host Hardware Model
  • VMware ESXi: Total Users Changed Count
  • VMware ESXi: Total VMs Changed Count
  • VMware ESXi: Total VIBs Changed Count
  • VMware ESXi: Total vmknics Changed Count
  • VMware ESXi: Total vmnics Changed Count
  • VMware ESXi: Total IP Routes Changed Count
  • VMware ESXi: VM List
  • VMware ESXi: VM CPU Count
  • VMware ESXi: VM Memory Amount
  • VMware ESXi: VM Hardware Version
  • VMware ESXi: VM Datastore
  • VMware ESXi: Host CPU Details
  • VMware ESXi: Users List
  • VMware ESXi: Network Routing
  • VMware ESXi: VMNIC Details
  • VMware ESXi: VMKNIC Details
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore Details
  • VMware ESXi: Software Serial Number
  • VMware ESXi: License Expires within 30 days
  • VMware ESXi: Host NICs Not Negotiated At Full Duplex List
  • VMware ESXi: Host NICs Not Negotiated At Full Duplex Count
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore with Below 30 Percent Free Space List
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore with Below 30 Percent Free Space Count
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore with Below 20 Percent Free Space List
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore with Below 20 Percent Free Space Count
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore with Below 10 Percent Free Space List
  • VMware ESXi: Datastore with Below 10 Percent Free Space Count
  • VMware ESXi: VMNIC Link Down List
  • VMware ESXi: VMNIC Link Down Count

VMware vCenter


  • Production Status: Preview
  • Description: Inspects a VMware vCenter instance, pulling back information about VMs, hosts, datastores, and the vSphere appliance.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Product
  • Version
  • Management IP
  • Product Details
  • Summary
  • Install Time
  • Build Number
  • Build Release Date
  • Datacenter Count
  • vSphere Datacenters
  • VM Count
  • vSphere VMs
  • Host Count
  • vSphere Hosts
  • Datastore Count
  • vSphere Datastores
  • Network Count
  • vSphere Networks
  • Resource Pools Count
  • vSphere Resource Pools

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Hosts
  • Virtual Machines
  • Networks
  • Datastores

Actionable Alerts


Watchman Monitoring


  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: This pulls information from the Watchman Monitoring API including users, groups, computers, expirations, and product details. This service is designed to monitor Mac systems in particular.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: N/A

Data Views Information

Overview Data Table

  • Manufacturer
  • Total Users
  • Total Computers
  • Total Computers Not Reporting
  • Total Expirations
  • Total Admin Users
  • Admin Users

Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Computers
  • Expirations

Actionable Alerts




  • Production Status: Production
  • Description: Inspects a Webroot SecureAnywhere MSP API, returning a wide variety of data including machines protected, recent infection data, and policy details.
  • Documentation
  • Inspector Category: Apps & Services
  • Discovers: Webroot

Data Views Information

Child Overview Data Table

  • Site Name
  • Description
  • PCs Infected In Last 24 Hours
  • Global Alerts
  • Currently Infected
  • Total Groups
  • Active Endpoints
  • Total Endpoints
  • Total Policies
  • Mobile Seats
  • Devices Allowed
  • Is Suspended
  • Billing Date
  • Billing Cycle
  • Is Deactivated
  • All Keys Expired

Child Data Tab Headers

  • Overview
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Endpoints
  • Threat History
  • Policies
  • Commands

Actionable Alerts

  • Webroot | Infected Device
  • Webroot | Endpoint(s) Not Checking In
  • Webroot | Admin Users Modified
  • Webroot | Live Policies Added or Removed
  • Webroot | Devices Not Checking In


  • Webroot: Protected Macs Count
  • Webroot: Infected Endpoints Count
  • Webroot: Active Endpoint Count
  • Webroot: SystemInfo
  • Webroot: Endpoints Count
  • Webroot: Admin User Email List
  • Webroot: Policies List
  • Webroot: Activated Users Email List
  • Webroot: Infected Device List
  • Webroot: Infected Device Count
  • Webroot: Devices Not Checked in Within 30 Days List
  • Webroot: Devices Not Checked in Within 30 Days Count
  • Webroot: Devices Not Checked in Within 14 Days List
  • Webroot: Devices Not Checked in Within 14 Days Count