
Quick Details

Recommended Agent: On-Demand
Supported Agents: On-Demand or Self-Managed
Is Auto-Discovered By: N/A
Can Auto-Discover: NinjaOne Child Inspectors
Parent/Child Type Inspector: Yes
Inspection via: API
Data Summary: Here


See it in Action

Inspector Description

The NinjaOne Inspector is a dedicated Inspector for the NinjaOne platform.

Inspector Setup Preparation

To set up this Inspector, you will generate an API Access Key and Access Key Secret from your NinjaOne instance.

Step 1: Generating API Key and Secret

  1. Log in to your NinjaOne instance with a system user that has access to generate API Credentials.

  1. Once logged in, navigate to Administration on the left-hand side of your instance.

  1. Then, navigate to Apps under the Administration options.

  1. Once you are on the Apps screen, navigate to API under the Apps dropdown.

  1. Once you are on the API screen, you should see a list of your legacy API Keys. You will want to select Generate API Key in the top right-hand corner of the page.

  1. Then, note down the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for your Inspector setup. If you desire, include a description for the API Key. Close the window once you take note of the credentials.

Liongard Inspector Setup

Step 1: Parent Inspector Setup

Since NinjaOne is a multi-tenant system where a single portal is used to manage many Environments, you will set up a single "Parent" Inspector with the API Credentials setup above that will then auto-discover "Child" Inspectors for each Environment.

In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Inspector Types > Navigate to the NinjaOne Inspector > Select Add System.

Fill in the following information:

  • Type of Inspector: Parent
  • Environment: Select your MSP's Environment
  • Friendly Name: Suggested Naming: [MSP Name] NinjaOne Parent
  • Agent: Select On-Demand Agent
  • Inspector Version: Latest (Auto-Update)
  • Access Key ID: Access Key ID copied from NinjaOne
  • Secret Access Key: Access Secret copied from NinjaOne
  • Region: The region of your instance. Possible choices are: North America (US), EU, and Australia and Oceania (OC)
  • Scheduling: The Inspector will default to run once a day at the time the Inspector is set up. Here you can adjust the schedule

Select Save. The Inspector will now be triggered to run within the minute.

Step 2: Child Inspector Setup

After the first run of the Parent Inspector, your client(s)' NinjaOne organizations will be Auto-Discovered and surfaced on the Discovered Systems page.

Navigate to the Discovered Systems tab in your Inspectors > NinjaOne page

  • Activate your Discovered Systems by ensuring they're mapped to the correct Environment > Select the checkbox to the left of Inspector(s) > Select the Actions drop-down menu > Activate Launchpoints.
  • Users may also Archive Discovered Systems by Selecting the checkbox to the left of the Inspector(s) > Select the Actions drop-down menu > Archive Launchpoints.

Optional: Turn on Flexible Asset/Configuration Auto-Updating

If you would like this Inspector's data to be sent to ConnectWise and/or IT Glue, turn on Flexible Assets/Configurations for this Inspector:

  • ConnectWise: Admin > Integrations > ConnectWise > Configuration Types > Confirm the "Configuration Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
  • IT Glue: Admin > Integrations > IT Glue > Flexible Assets > Confirm the "Flexible Asset Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled