To get started, with Liongard and BrightGauge's Integration, you'll need to complete the following steps in Liongard and BrightGauge.
Step 1: Turn on Your Metrics in Liongard
To make Metrics accessible via our API, you'll need to turn them on in Liongard.
Enabling Metrics
Liongard Metrics is a Dataset in BrightGauge.
Enabling Metrics in Liongard will make them visible in Liongard AND in BrightGauge.
We suggest only enabling Metrics you wish to see in BrightGauge. As a best practice, start with Microsoft 365 and Active Directory Metrics.
Access Key/Secret
The BrightGauge integration will require you to have a Liongard API token upon setup.
You may create a Liongard API Token by navigating, in your instance, to Your Name > Account Settings > Access Tokens > Generate a New Token.
- Go to Admin > Metrics.
- Select the Metrics you'd like to access in BrightGauge and turn on the "Display" toggle.
Metric Names
The BrightGauge integration is based on Metric Names and will be displayed in BrightGauge as "metric_name."
If you change the name of a Metric used in a Gauge, this will break the Gauge. You will need to edit the Gauge and select the updated Metric.
Step 2: Log in to BrightGauge to set up the Liongard Integration
Use the BrightGauge docs here to set up the integration. You'll find Liongard in BrightGauge's Datasource library.
Step 3: Check out Liongard's Default Dashboards
We created two BrightGauge default dashboards for you to get started: one for Microsoft 365 and one for Active Directory.
Step 4: Let us know your feedback!
Jump into our Slack channel, the Liongard Lounge, to let us know how you're using this integration. We're looking for ideas on what other default gauges you'd like us to build!
Join the conversation in Slack!
Syncing Liongard's Dataset with BrightGauge
Liongard's dataset syncs with BrightGauge every four hours, with a full sync happening every 24 hours. For more information, please review BrightGauge's documentation.
BrightGauge Quick Tips/FAQs
Updated over 1 year ago