Agent Management
After deploying a Liongard Agent on a target device, the Agent can be managed from within your Liongard instance on the Admin > Agents screen.
Agent Management Permissions
Global Admin, Global Environment Manager, Global System Integrators will be able to install, see and associate all Agents.
Environment Administrators are able to install Agents and map those Agents they installed only to Environments they are assigned to. They will not be able to see Agents belonging to other Environments or unassigned Agents they did not install themselves.
Agent Insights
The Admin Insights Dashboard provides users insight into the status of their Agents. These clickable buttons quickly provide insight into Total Agents deployed, Agents Awaiting Configuration, Outdated Agents, and Offline Agents.
Each metric displayed on the dashboard is clickable and will update the table with the resulting Agent list for each filter selected.
To clear a filter, you can either click the button you used to filter the table again, or click the Clear Filters button.
Total Agents
This metric will show a breakdown of all of your Self-Managed Agents that can be further filtered by active or suspended Agents
- Active Agents: Agents that are set to active and are allowed to complete inspections
- Suspended Agents: Agents that have been suspended and are not allowed to perform inspections
Awaiting Configuration
This metric shows all Self-Managed Agents that need additional configuration before they can complete inspections and auto-discovery
- Without Environment: Non-global Agents without an assigned Environment cannot complete inspections and do not have auto-discovery capabilities. Assign an Environment to utilize these Agents.
- Without Inspector: Inspectors are not configured for these Agents. Assign an Inspector to utilize these Agents.
Outdated Agents
This metric shows all Self-Managed Agents that are not running the latest Liongard Agent version. These Agents should be updated to ensure they function properly.
- Not Supported: These are Agents that are running an Agent version that does not support auto-updating capabilities. Installing an Agent that supports auto-updating (version 3.0.2 or higher) is required to resolve this issue.
- Update Disabled: These are Agents that have auto-updating disabled.
Offline Agents
This metric shows all Self-Managed Agents that are not checking into Liongard and either need to be removed or repaired
- Date Range: This range selector can be used to filter your offline Agents by the date range in which they have been offline.
Agent Management Actions
There are several actions you can perform when managing your Agents. Many of these actions can be performed in bulk by using the bulk selector checkbox to select all or by selecting multiple individual Agents and then using the Actions pulldown.
Suspending an Agent
If you need to temporarily suspend an Agent from running inspections, select the Pause button in the Actions column.
Once selected, this button will change to a play button that can be selected to resume normal Agent activity.
Purging an Agent's Job Queue
To purge all scheduled jobs on an Agent, press the Purge Job Queue button in the Actions column. This will remove all currently scheduled inspections. New inspections will continue to process normally.
Assigning an Agent to an Environment
To assign an Agent to a Liongard Environment, select the three dots in the Actions column and select Assign Environment. Users will be prompted to select the Liongard Environment for the Agent.
Reassigning an Agent to an Environment
For Agents that already have an Environment assigned and have associated Inspectors, the Environment for the Inspectors will also be changed. You will be required to enter the new Agent name to proceed with assigning the Agent.
Changing Auto Update Functionality
To change auto update settings for an Agent, select the three dots in the Actions column and select Auto Updating Options. Agents can be set to Enabled, One Time Update, or Disabled.
- Enabled: Selecting "Enabled" will permit the Agent to auto update as needed.
- One Time Update: Selecting "One Time Update" will update the Agent within the next 24 hours. Once the update is complete, auto update will then be set to Disabled.
- Disabled: Selecting "Disabled" will prevent the Agent from auto updating.
Deleting an Agent
To delete an Agent, select the three dots in the Actions column and select Delete. Users will have two different options depending on if the agent has any assigned inspectors.
No Inspectors Assigned to Agent
If there are no inspectors assigned to the agent a confirmation box will appear to confirm the deletion of the agent.
Inspectors Assigned to Agent
If any Inspectors are assigned to the Agent, a confirmation box with two options will appear allowing a user to migrate the Inspectors to another Agent or disable the associated Inspectors before the Agent is deleted.
Agent Details Screen
Clicking an Agents Name on the Admin > Agents screen will take users to the Agent Details Screen. From this screen, users can complete all of the actions listed above and can move Inspectors between Agents.
Updated over 1 year ago