Internet Domain/DNS
This document provides the steps required to configure the Internet Domain & DNS Inspector.
Quick Details
Recommended Agent: On-Demand
Supported Agents: On-Demand
Is Auto-Discovered By: Autotask Inspector, ConnectWise Manage Inspector, HaloPSA Inspector, IT Glue Inspector, Kaseya BMS Inspector, Microsoft 365 Inspector, Syncro Inspector, and GoDaddy Inspector
Can Auto-Discover: TLS/SSL Certificate Inspectors
Parent/Child Type Inspector: No
Inspection via: CLI
Data Summary: Here
See it in Action
Internet Domain/DNS Auto-Discovery
Integration | Where are Domains Pulled From |
ConnectWise | Domains are pulled from the Website field on the Company record. |
Autotask | Domains are pulled from the Website associated with the Account. Additionally, we pull the domain from the email of any contacts associated with the account. |
IT Glue | Domains are pulled from the IT Glue /domains endpoint. For more information, please review IT Glue's API documentation |
Kaseya BMS | Domains are pulled from the Website field on the account/company record. |
Traffic to your Website
Please note that part of any domain inspection is to make a GET request to the URL specified in the domain Inspector. The inspector looks to verify a proper 200 response is being returned.
You can also find the IP of a specific Agent via the Admin > Agents screen in Liongard Here you can verify traffic you see hitting your website is coming from a valid domain inspection.
More details about finding the IP address of a specific agent in Liongard can be found here.
.AU and .NZ Domains
.AU and .NZ domains do not have expiration dates available as a part of the public source data that domain authorities from most other parts of the world provide. Because of this, the Liongard Inspector does not pull this information. If this is data you would like, please share your feedback using the in-app feedback form found in the Support dropdown in your Liongard.
Inspector Setup Preparation
The Internet Domain/DNS Inspector gathers and centralizes information about your customers' domains putting critical information like registrars and expiration dates at your fingertips. It is an easy Inspector to set up, and it is strongly recommended for each customer Environment you serve.
Liongard Inspector Setup
Activating Auto-Discovered Inspectors
If you have activated your Autotask, ConnectWise Manage, or IT Glue Inspector(s), they will auto-discover your Internet Domain/DNS Inspectors. Follow the steps below to Activate your discovered Inspectors:
Navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Select Internet Domain/DNS > Select the Discovered Systems tab
Here you can Activate your Discovered Internet Domain/DNS Inspector(s):
- Select the checkbox to the left of the Inspector(s) that you would like to Activate
- Select the Actions drop-down menu above the Discovered Systems table
- Select Activate Launchpoints
Liongard Inspector Setup
Individual Inspector Setup
In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Inspector Types > Navigate to the Internet Domain/DNS Inspector > Click Add System.
Fill in the following information:
- Environment: Select the Environment this System should be associated to
- Friendly Name: Use the actual Domain name that will be inspected without any preceding characters. For example, ""
- Agent: On-Demand
- Inspector Version: Latest
- Domain: Provide the actual domain name without any prefixes like" https://" or
"www." For example, "" - Subdomain List: Within the Subdomain List, there is a list of commonly used subdomains. You can leave these or delete them if you know for certain that they don't exist.
- Here, you also have the ability to add additional subdomains by simply typing each individually and pressing enter or adding a comma-delimited list of subdomains.
- This Inspector inspects sub-domain zones based on the list provided during setup, and it surfaces DNS records inside those sub-zones.
- SRV List: The SRV list contains a list of SRV record types to facilitate SRV record discovery.
- You can add any SRV record types of your own by using the format _Service_ProtocolName
- DKIM Selector List. The domain inspector automatically checks DKIM on your behalf. If your mail is not hosted by one of these servers or DKIM records are not detected during inspection, please manually input your DKIM selectors in the provided field. Below is a list of selectors identified by Liongard:
- google (Google Workspace)
- selector1, selector2 (Microsoft 365)
- k1, k2 (Mailchimp, Mandrill)
- ctct1, ctct2 (Constant Contact)
- sm (Blackbaud, eTapestry)
- s1, s2 (Nationbuilder)
- sig1 (iCloud)
- litesrv (mailerlite)
- zendesk1, zendesk2 (Zendesk)
- Scheduling: The Inspector will default to run once a day at the time the Inspector is set up. Here you can adjust the schedule
Select Save. The Inspector will now be triggered to run within the minute.
Optional: Turn on Flexible Asset/Configuration Auto-Updating
If you would like this Inspector's data to be sent to ConnectWise and/or IT Glue, turn on Flexible Assets/Configurations for this Inspector:
- ConnectWise: Admin > Integrations > ConnectWise > Configuration Types > Confirm the "Configuration Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
- IT Glue: Admin > Integrations > IT Glue > Flexible Assets > Confirm the "Flexible Asset Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
Deploy Inspectors at Mass via CSV Import
For more information, please visit our documentation.
To import Internet Domain/DNS Inspectors via CSV Import, navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Internet Domain/DNS > Select the down arrow icon in the top right-hand to Download CSV Import Template.
In the CSV Template, each row, starting on row three, will represent an Inspector. Fill in the following information for each Inspector you want to roll out:
- Agent.Name: Enter "On-Demand Agent"
- Inspector.Name: Enter "domain-inspector"
- Environment.Name: This column is case sensitive. Copy and paste the associated Environment name from the Dashboard screen
- Alias: Enter the Desired Friendly Name
- Config.DOMAIN: Enter the actual domain name without any prefixes like" https://" or
"www." For example, "" - Config.SUBDOMAIN_LIST[0]: (Optional) Enter a subdomain that you'd like to include in the inspection. If you would not like to inspect subdomains in this inspection, leave this field, and all Config.SUBDOMAIN_LIST[x] fields, empty
- Config.SUBDOMAIN_LIST[x]: (Optional) Enter an additional subdomain that you'd like to include in the inspection
- Config.SRV_RECORD_TYPE_LIST[0]: (Optional) Enter a SRV record that you'd like to include in the inspection. If you would not like to inspect any SRV records, leave this field, and all Config.SRV_RECORD_TYPE_LIST[x] fields, empty
- Config.DKIM_SELECTORS[0]: (Optional) Enter any DKIM Selectors that you'd like to include in the inspection. If you would not like to inspect any DKIM Selectors, leave this field, and all Config.DKIM_SELECTORS[x] fields, empty. These should be entered using only the selector (e.g. selector1, selector2)
- FreqType: Enter "days"
- FreqInterval: Enter "1"
When ready to Import the CSV Template of Inspectors, navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Internet Domain/DNS > Select the up arrow icon in the top right-hand to Import CSV > Select your saved template.
After the successful import notification, reload your browser to find your imported Inspectors.
These Inspectors will automatically trigger themselves to run within a minute.
Domain Failure?
Domain Inspectors most often fail due to one of two issues:
- The WHOIS information did not exist, meaning the domain isn't registered or it's set to private.
- The reverse DNS lookup fails, meaning that the SOA is not reachable or did not resolve correctly.
Auto-Discovery: TLS/SSL Certificate Inspector
The Internet Domain/DNS Inspector Auto-Discovers TLS/SSL Certificate Inspectors.
To set up an Auto-Discovered TLS/SSL Certificate Inspector, please see our TLS/SSL Certificate Inspector Documentation.
Internet Domain/DNS Quick Tips/FAQs
Updated 5 months ago