Cove Data Protection
This document provides the steps required to configure the Cove Data Protection Inspector.
Quick Details
Recommended Agent: On-Demand
Supported Agents: On-Demand or Self-Managed
Is Auto-Discovered By: N/A
Can Auto-Discover: Cove Data Protection Child Inspectors
Parent/Child Type Inspector: Yes
Parent Inspector Returns Data: Yes
Inspected via: API
Data Summary: Here
The Cove Data Protection Inspector (Cove Data Protection) captures data about Cove Data Protection tenants in Liongard. The Inspector provides visibility into your Cove Data Protection instance, including Users, Company Information, Protected Devices (Servers and Workstations), and Microsoft 365 Backup information.
Managed Online Backup
The Cove Data Protection Inspector is meant for the standalone Cove Data Protection product and requires access to the online Cove Data Protection portal. Integrated Backup, also called Managed Online Backup, cannot currently be inspected with this Inspector.
See it in Action
Liongard Inspector Setup
Inspector Setup Preparation
The Cove Data Protection inspector requires a username and password to authenticate to the API and knowing the Partner Name of your account.
Follow the steps below to complete the Inspector setup.
Step 1: Create a User
- Log into your Backup Management Console here.
- Navigate to the User management area on the left-hand side of your console.
- Select Add user in the top left part of the users page.
- Assign a valid email address to the account and assign the user to at least have the Operator role. Select Save.
Step 2: Finding the Partner Name
- Find and select Customers in your left-hand sidebar.
- Select the Pencil icon next to your MSP level company.
- Copy the contents of the Name field. You will use the Name when configuring the Inspector in Liongard.
Liongard Inspector Setup
Step 1: Parent Inspector Setup
SinceCove Data Protection is a multi-tenant system where a single portal is used to manage many Environments, you will set up a single "Parent" Inspector with the API user that will then auto-discover "Child" Inspectors for each Environment.
In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Inspector Types > Navigate to the N-able Backup Inspector > Select Add System.
Fill in the following information:
- Type of Inspector: Parent
- Environment: Select your MSP's Environment
- Friendly Name: Suggested Naming: [MSP Environment Name] N-able Backup Parent
- Agent: Select On-Demand Agent
- Inspector Version: Latest (Auto-Update)
- Partner Name: Name of the Parent-level Company (Your MSP)
- Username: Username of the API user
- Password: Password for the API user
- Scheduling: The Inspector will default to run once a day at the time the Inspector is set up. Here you can adjust the schedule
Select Save. The Inspector will now be triggered to run within the minute.
Step 2: Child Inspector Setup
After the first run of the Parent Inspector, your client N-able Backup organizations will be auto-discovered and surfaced on the Discovered Systems page.
Navigate to the Discovered Systems tab in your Inspectors > Cove Data Protection page:
- Activate your Discovered Systems by ensuring they're mapped to the correct Environment > Select the checkbox to the left of Inspector(s) > Select the Actions drop-down menu > Activate Launchpoints.
- Users may also Archive Discovered Systems by Selecting the checkbox to the left of the Inspector(s) > Select the Actions drop-down menu > Archive Launchpoints.
Optional: Turn on Flexible Asset/Configuration Auto-Updating
If you would like this Inspector's data to be sent to ConnectWise and/or IT Glue, turn on Flexible Assets/Configurations for this Inspector:
- ConnectWise: Admin > Integrations > ConnectWise > Configuration Types > Confirm the "Configuration Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
- IT Glue: Admin > Integrations > IT Glue > Flexible Assets > Confirm the "Flexible Asset Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
Updated 3 months ago