Veeam Service Provider Console
This document provides the steps required to configure the Veeam Service Provider Console Inspector.
Quick Details
Recommended Agent: On-Demand
Supported Agents: On-Demand, or Self-Managed
Is Auto-Discovered By: N/A
Can Auto-Discover: Veeam Child Inspectors
Parent/Child Type Inspector: Yes
Inspection via: API
Data Summary: Here
Veeam Service Provider Console Inspector Version Support
The Veeam Service Provider Console v4 Inspector currently does not support versions older than Veeam SP Console v4. For older versions, please review our Veeam Availability Console Inspector documentation.
The Veeam SPC Inspector inspects the Veeam Service Provider Console to report on backup jobs and resources, deployed agents, policies, protected workloads, discovery rules, resellers, and companies.
See it in Action
Inspector Setup Preparation
Certification Check
Using a third-party certificate check tool such as can help identify when a certificate is missing. If the certificate is not trusted, partners may need to install an intermediate/chain certificate or link the URL to a trusted root certificate.
Admin User Required
The Veeam Service Provider Console Inspector requires an administrative username and password for Liongard to use. Currently there is not a less privileged way to use the API.
Certificate Required On Host Server
An SSL certificate is required on the server hosting the console. Without this, Liongard's Cloud Agent will not connect to complete inspections.
Liongard Inspector Setup
Step 1: Parent Inspector Setup
Since Veeam is a multi-tenant system where a single portal is used to manage many Environments, you will set up a single "Parent" Inspector with the API Key that will then auto-discover "Child" Inspectors for each Environment.
In Liongard, navigate to Admin > Inspectors > Inspector Types > Navigate to the Veeam SPC Inspector > Add System.
Fill in the following information:
- Type of Inspector: Parent
- Environment: Select your MSP's Environment
- Friendly Name: Suggested Naming: [MSP Name] Veeam SPC Parent
- Agent: Select On-Demand Agent
- Inspector Version: Latest
- Console URL: The DNS name or IP address of the machine on which the Veeam SPC Web UI is installed including the port number ( default port number is 1280 ) and the api version tag ( default is v3 ).
- Ex: https://< Hostname/IP >:1280/api/v3
- Administrator Username: The Administrator Username for your Veeam SPC instance.
- Ex: domain\administrator.
- Administrator Password: The Administrator Password for your Veeam SPC instance.
- Scheduling: The Inspector will default to run once a day at the time the Inspector is set up. Here you can adjust the schedule
Select Save. The Inspector will now be triggered to run within the minute.
Step 2: Child Inspector Setup
After the first run of the Parent Inspector, your client Veeam SPC organizations will be Auto-Discovered in the Discovered Systems tab on the Inspectors > Veeam SPC page.
Navigate to the Discovered Systems tab in your Inspectors > Veeam SPC page.
- Activate or Archive your Discovered Systems by ensuring that they're mapped to the correct Environment > Check the checkbox to the left of Inspector(s) > Select the Actions drop down menu > Activate Launchpoints
Optional: Turn on Flexible Asset/Configuration Auto-Updating
If you would like this Inspector's data to be sent to ConnectWise and/or IT Glue, turn on Flexible Assets/Configurations for this Inspector:
- ConnectWise: Admin > Integrations > ConnectWise > Configuration Types > Confirm the "Configuration Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
- IT Glue: Admin > Integrations > IT Glue > Flexible Assets > Confirm the "Flexible Asset Auto-Updating" toggle is enabled
Updated over 1 year ago