Release Notes Through 2021-11-03
Inspector Updates
Windows Workstation Inspector in Production
- The Windows Workstation Inspector is now in Production
- IT Glue Flexible Asset and ConnectWise Configuration mappings are now available for the Inspector
- Finalized the Overview, Hardware, Software, Updates/Patches, Network Diagnostics, Security, and Data Print Data View tabs
- Added Metrics and Actionable Alert rules to the library
- Added Reports Templates for the Windows Workstation Inspector
- Corrected the documentation link
Endpoint Inspector Count
The Windows Workstation Inspector is an Endpoint Inspector. Endpoint Inspectors are billed per unit according to your agreement with Liongard. Usage beyond the included amount will be charged on your monthly invoices.
To view your Endpoint Inspector count per Environment, navigate to Admin > Environments > Review the "Endpoint Inspector" column
Please contact your Account Manager for additional contract and pricing details.
Platform Updates
Agent Updates
Updated the Liongard Agent code to only process missed inspections from the last 24 hours if an Agent goes offline. For example, if an Agent goes offline for 7 days, when it comes back online, only inspections missed in the last 24 hours will be processed.
Feature Updates
Microsoft Teams Integration Updates
- Changed the top color of Teams cards to reflect the alert priority
- Added the ability to see RoarBot comments above the description. When applicable, Roarbot comments will display details of the changes detected
- Corrected an issue forcing the user to click "Send Test to Teams" twice before sending it to the tested channel
Email Integration Updates
- Sending a test message from the Email Integration configuration page will now send a test in the format selected as opposed to always sending the test in HTML format
- Corrected an issue sending two emails for one Actionable Alert: one with comments and one without. Now one email will be sent with all information included
Minor Updates and Bug Fixes
Platform Updates and Bug Fixes
- Improved the visibility of certain fields in Dark Mode on the Autotask Integration page
- Corrected an issue where the confirmation message that appears when assigning an Agent to a different Environment was not appearing
- Removed the System Name column/row on the Single Environment Dashboard Overview tables
- Disabled Inspectors will no longer appear on the Environment Overview Systems and Metrics tabs
- Improved the breadcrumb dropdown navigation to ensure the field is empty by default
- Changed Enhanced to Endpoint for Inspector billing types throughout the platform
Feature Updates and Bug Fixes
- Increased the maximum Metric data value returned limit from 100Kb to 200Kb
- Added "Changes Detected" to RoarBot comments created from Actionable Alerts based on Change Detections
- Corrected an issue with the Kaseya Integration preventing the Ticket Type and Default Ticket Queue fields to be reset in the Liongard user interface
- Addressed an issue where Change Detections were not displaying properly in the comments section of ConnectWise tickets
- Corrected an issue where alert descriptions were not showing up correctly if the alert comments contained a Metric that contained an array of objects
Inspector Updates and Bug Fixes
- Cisco Meraki: Updated the Inspector to latest SDK and configured retry logic to retry endpoints in cases of network failure
- ConnectWise Automate: Corrected the documentation link and added an example URL to the configuration page
- ConnectWise Manage: Updated the Inspector configurations to make Projects and SecurityRoles optional to reduce payload size if necessary
- Duo: Corrected an issue causing the Inspector to fail for undefined property length
- Google Workspace: Updated the documentation link
- Microsoft Teams: Updated the Inspector to continue processing data after certain errors are found to further debug those errors
- Ninja RMM: Updated the Inspector to ensure that accurate device counts are returned
- pfSense: Updated the Inspector to support key/passphrase authentication
- Sentinel One: Corrected URL parsing for OAuth using Username/Password
- Syncro: Reclassified the Syncro Inspector to the "Apps and Services" Inspector Type category
- Synology NAS: Updated the following Metrics to allow for hot-swappable drives in a normal state:
- Synology NAS: Drives are no longer showing Normal Status
- Synology NAS: Drives are no longer showing Normal Status (count)
- Synology NAS: Volume is no longer showing Normal Status
- Synology NAS: Volume is no longer showing Normal Status (count)
- Ubiquiti UniFi: Enhanced error handling to produce better error messages in logs
- Veeam SPC: Enhanced error handling to produce better error messages in logs
- Windows Inspector: Corrected an issue where update status was not returned
Liongard Academy
Liongard Academy, our learning and resource center, and our Liongard Certified Professional (LCP) Certification are live!
Our LCP certification program is the quickest way to learn how to leverage Liongard to the fullest. Not only will you get a sweet new certificate to show off on LinkedIn, but it will also validate your automation expertise as a Liongard Expert!
We have also recently added a new course and learning path as well! Check out "Introduction to Liongard" and "How to Write a Metric Learning Path" today!
Sign up today: Liongard Academy.
As always, feel free to share any feedback or questions in the Liongard Lounge, our Slack community, in the #liongard-academy channel!
Liongard Library
Liongard now has a community library, the Liongard Library, where Liongard users can share custom Metrics with other partners. You can access the Liongard Library in the Support drop-down menu in Liongard.
Check out the Liongard Library today!
Updated over 1 year ago