Liongard's IT Glue Flexible Assets
We recommend linking Liongard's Flexible Assets with your existing Flexible Assets.
This is possible if you have:
- User-generated content
- Configurations and Assets pulled in from other systems
Do know all of Liongard's HTML tables are indexed with IT Glue, and you can use IT Glue's global search to find information inside the tables you are pushing over to IT Glue.
How to Relate Items in IT Glue
- Select an Asset or Configuration that you would like to Relate to one of Liongard's Flexible Assets
- In the right sidebar, select Add Related Item
- Search and select any Asset or Configuration to relate to the selected Asset or Configuration
Liongard Generated Flexible Asset Names - (auto)
All of Liongard's Flexible Assets will end in (auto)
How to Rename Liongard Generated Flexible Assets
To rename Liongard Flexible Assets, they first must appear in IT Glue. Liongard Flexible Assets must be renamed in Liongard. Asset names cannot be changed in IT Glue.
For more information on how to enable Liongard Flexible Assets, please review our documentation.
Rename Liongard Generated Flexible Assets
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations > IT Glue > Flexible Assets
- On the Flexible Assets tab, find the All IT Glue Flexible Asset Types table
- Find the Name of the Liongard Flexible Asset Type you would like to rename. Select Rename Asset Type in the Actions column
- Edit the Asset Type name. All Asset Type names must be unique. Select Save.
Customize Liongard's Flexible Assets
In IT Glue, you can add icons next to your Flexible Assets to distinguish them from others. To do so, navigate to Account on the top navigation bar > Click into the Flexible Asset Types page in the left sidebar > Click into a Flexible Asset type > Pick Icon > Save
Finding Flexible Assets in IT Glue
To organize the left sidebar in IT Glue, you'll need admin privileges in IT Glue. Log in to IT Glue and go to Account > Customize Sidebar.
If you can't see the Account tab, reach out to your internal team admin for assistance.
You'll find Liongard's Flexible Assets with the naming convention System name (auto) as the title. Feel free to move these over into your existing sidebar sections or create a new section called Liongard.
Updating IT Glue Flexible Assets Notes
You can add notes to any of Liongard's Flexible Assets. Any notes added will remain in the Flexible Asset.
To take advantage of the Notes field, you must first open the Liongard Flexible Asset. Then, in the right-hand sidebar select the Edit button.
The Notes field will appear at the top of the page. Add your notes, then, click Save at the bottom of the page when you are done.
Additionally, when you click into edit Liongard's Flexible Assets, you will see a Configurations field. Here, you can add any Configurations for which you would like to tag Liongard's Flexible Asset.
Customizing Columns for Assets in IT Glue
When clicking on an Asset in IT Glue, you can customize the columns displayed. This may help you access Liongard's data more effectively in IT Glue.
- Click into the Asset in the sidebar as displayed below.
- Then, click the icon in the far right of the header row. Here, you can select additional columns to show in your default view.
Updated 28 days ago