Release Notes Through 2020-04-01
Feature Updates
Custom Actionable Alerts
Users can now create their own alert rules and/or customize Liongard's Actionable Alert rules. This update allows partners to answer questions like:
- Do we have tenants in Office 365 with unused licenses?
- When does a firewall software need to be updated?
- When did a user put himself/herself in Duo in bypass mode?

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Learn more with our How to Write a Custom Actionable Alert documentation .
New Rule Builder Screen
Partners will now see a blue "Create Rule" button in the top right-hand corner of their Actionable Alert screen.

This button will take partners to our new Rule Builder.

Updates to Actionable Alert Screen
The Admin > Actionable Alerts Screen has been updated to better support partners in using our Actionable Alerts Feature
Rules Tab

- Actions: Edit custom rules or clone existing rules
- System Inspector: Identifies the Inspector associated with the rule
- Rule Name: Name of the rule
- Templates: Indicates for which Template(s) the rule is enabled
- # Environments: Total number of Environments, across templates, the rule is applied to
- Created By: Identifies who created the rule. All rules created by Liongard will read "Liongard"
- Create Rule: Rule Builder for creating a custom Actionable Alert rule
Templates Tab

- Actions: Edit templates
- Order: The priority for the template
- Template Name: Name of the template
- Status: Active or Inactive. In order to trigger alerts, a template must be Active.
- Auto-Apply: If a Template is set to Auto-Apply, when new Environments are added the template will be automatically applied
- Environment Count: Number of Environments the template applies to
- Applies To: Indicates where alerts will land once triggered
- Destination: If a PSA is indicated in the "Applies To" column, the Destination column will state which board the alerts will land once triggered
- Created On: Date the template was created on
Environments Tab

- Actions: Edit the templates applied to an Environment
- Environment Name: Environment name
- ConnectWise Mapping: Indicates whether a mapping is established for ConnectWise
- Autotask Mapping: Indicates whether a mapping is established for Autotask
- Templates: Lists the templates applied to the Environment
Custom Change Detections
Change Detections are now based on Metrics allowing partners to create their own Change Detections as well as control existing Change Detections.

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Metric Builder Updates
Minor UI enhancements to the Metric Builder allow for ease in usability.
Partners can now enable a Change Detection within the Metric Builder.

When building a Metric, the lefthand side of the Metric Builder will lock in place allowing for easier exploration of the Data Print query.

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Login Improvement
Extended the time window of a token to avoid the token's expiration.
"Created On" Column update
- In our column called "Created On" we used to have a "-" if the corresponding Metric or alert rule was created by Liongard. We've updated it to say "Liongard."
In-App Oboarding Checklist Updated
- Updated the in-app Onboarding Checklist to better reflect how we're educating our partners.

Default Metrics
We're now toggling certain Metrics to display for new instances. These metrics will show up only in the single system Metrics view.
We have created a default limit for the size of the bytes of the evaluated metric value. 100kb is the limit currently. This limit is meant to avoid a user creating a Metric with massive data, therefore, impacting performance.
Inspector Updates
Sophos Central Inspector
- Sophos Central is now in Production
- Platform Mappings are now available for IT Glue and ConnectWise
- Minor updates to the Endpoint View for the Sophos Central Inspector
- Improved Inspector Auto-Discovery for all Children Inspectors
Fortinet Fortigate
- Added Days until Expiration to the Data Print
- Converted Linux timestamps in the "Licensing" node to friendly values for Metrics, Change Detections, and Actionable Alerts
Amazon Web Services
- Added new Metrics with Change Detections enabled
Synology NAS Inspector
- Platform Mappings are now available for IT Glue and ConnectWise
- Updated Synology NAS Inspector Error Message: {"error":{"code":400},"success":false}
- Increased timeout interval to allow requests that may take longer than normal
- Improved error handling and messaging for request timeouts
- Stability improvements
Office 365
- Strengthened the logic for the following Metrics:
- Office 365: Unlicensed User Count
- Office 365: Licensed User Count
- Stability Improvements for some Metrics, Change Detections, and Actionable Alerts related to "ActiveGroups" and/or "Applications"
- Improved "Sonicwall | VPN Group-VPN Policies Added/Removed/Modified" Metric to prevent false-positive Change Detection triggers
Bug Fixes and Minor Updates
- Updated the parament request for legacy partners whose timeline entries were not loading
- Reordering columns now works as intended and will place the column in the desired location
- Updated Systems > Metrics > Metric Selector to persist the user's desired columns
- Column count now displays correctly
- Partners can now use emails with the .tech extension ( for our email ticketing integration
- Added support for non-standard port for the TLS/SSL Certificate Inspector
- Updated Convert QoS Upload and Download limits from kBps to Mbps for the Cisco Meraki Inspector
- Fixed an issue where sub-directory items were not being presented in the BitDefender Inspector.
- Addigy Inspector stability improvements.
Updated over 1 year ago